Community Guidelines

Creating safe & collaborative spaces

Festival for the Future brings together a community of amazing humans who are driven to make a difference for our future.

We actively encourage and welcome diversity and recognise that different perspectives, beliefs, backgrounds and experiences are vital building blocks for meaningful conversations and impact. As we navigate some big topics, it is our job as a community to create a safe, open and engaging space for each and every person - here’s how we will do it together! 

  1. Manaakitanga – care and hospitality, communicating with respect and kindness

  2. Being present & fully showing up

  3. Staying on topic 

  4. Looking out for each other and fostering a sense of whanaungatanga – connection and kinship.

In joining us on this journey you have invested your time, energy and resources -thank you! Everyone you’ll meet during the event(s) has made the same commitment, so as a way to respect each other we each agree to follow the guidelines outlined below:

Manaakitanga // Communicate with respect and kindness

  • Everyone has the right to be themselves, so be mindful to choose language that shows respect and creates an inclusive environment for all

  • We understand that we are able to learn from others, and therefore expect different views and experiences to be shared

  • When interacting, we keep language respectful, non-judgemental and kind

  • We encourage the challenging of ideas, behaviours and the status quo, but we have no time for personal attacks

Be present & fully show up

  • We arrive on time and commit to be present for the full duration of an experience we choose to be part of

  • We are willing and prepared to participate in discussions and activities in an open and honest way 

  • We disconnect from our devices (phone, emails etc) so that we can be present and not distracted

Staying on Topic. Collective Impact!

  • We recognise that many other humans are involved in the experience - we will work together to foster meaningful & impactful conversations 

  • We recognise the value of each and every voice in a ‘room’ and actively seek to create equitable moments of participation for all 

  • We agree to actively listen when others are speaking

  • We will not assume advice is welcome before asking if we should share

Look out for each other and foster whanaungatanga

Creating an inclusive and collaborative space requires all of us to be accountable. That means we look out for each other and work together to keep our space open, respectful and safe. 

  • If we witness bullying, inappropriate behaviour, or explicit content we agree to contact a member of the organising team (these team members will be outlined during the event) who will take necessary action

  • If we feel overwhelmed or triggered during the Festival we agree to reach out to a guardian for support (members of the guardian team will be introduced during the event.