
Maggie Eyre

The internationally recognised author and former media advisor to Helen Clark

Maggie Eyre is an internationally recognised expert in personal presence and leadership motivation, with over 30 years’ experience in business, public relations and performance. She has trained many senior business executives, public figures and academics to harness their maximum potential and shine with authentic voice and action. Her career is focused on teaching clients how to improve presentation skills and build unforgettable personal brands.

A presentation trainer, stylist, and media advisor to former New Zealand Prime Minister, Helen Clark, Maggie’s work has been recognized in Time Magazine and in international media including, the United Kingdom, China, Canada and Dubai. She has been a published author for twenty years with her books, Speak Easy, and, Being You, How to build your personal brand and confidence, selling internationally in Indonesia, India, Canada, United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.

Maggie will be giving a workshop on authentic personal branding at Festival for the Future.